I draw inspiration for my blog posts from many places: the news, current happenings in my life, my son, my family, my friends and just whatever else may be out there in the atmosphere. When I began this blog on that fateful day (yeah yeah cliche I know) September 2010, I never anticipated for it to be anything like this! I have gotten really positive and reinforcing feedback and I know that at least for now I can't stop.
That is why for YOUS (yeah alla yous - *in my fake Brooklyn Italian-American accent* lol), I am revamping and going to make this blog better. Awards and all that jazz are great, but the most important thing to me is that my blog is always an honest outlet, an open forum and most importantly that I am helping someone else. Being a mom is a unique experience and being a single mom is one hell of a ride. But through everything, I wouldn't take anything back (ok, I would have chosen a better father for Liam *sigh*).
When I relaunch this blog in a couple of months, I will include the following:
About me (duh!)
The Single Mom (articles, findings, thoughts and opinions that directly affect any single parent or parents in general. I will address the issue of co/absentee parenting and feature things about Liam and his progress and of course pics of me and the kid)
The Aspiring Model (will chronicle the steps on taking towards modeling, agency submissions, contests that I do, pics from photo shoots etc, articles on + size models, opinions etc)
The Entrepeneur - all about my makeup biz and blogging pt - will include classes I take for either business, helpful hints for start ups, "behind the scenes" pics of events/ conferences I attend and more
The Journey: 16 x 25 - will chronicle my weight loss journey to be a fit size 16 by age 25 (about 13.5 months from now).Ideal measurements somewhere in the area of Bust 42.5-44, Waist 35.5-38, Hips 45-48. Will include my weekly weigh in vids, food/fitness info and other health related stuff
The Beauty Break (dedicated to (hair, makeup & fashion): tutorials, products reviews, rants & raves)
The Giveaways - you guessed it! :) All giveaways will be makeup, reading/writing and/or fitness/health related
So I want you guys to know (all 16 of my readers lmao) that I really truly appreciate your comments, your views and your input. I plan to attend a blogging conference next year b/c I want to be
better, actually THE BEST blogger that I can be. :)
So you tell me: What can I do to make your reading experience more enjoyable? Let me know honestly. Do you like my lil mini features of Liam? Do you care about what is going on with us?! lol What do you want to see? What should stay? What should go? Now that you're here along this journey with me, I want to keep you guys as interested as possible! lol :)