The coveted birthday cake ;) All he wanted for his birthday was a Toy Story cake.
We moved into a new place in mid-September and I'm still working with the BF/Fiance to furnish and get our place set up to how we like it. I'm honestly in kind of a rut lately. Life is kind of stagnant. Modeling is basically non existent and I can't seem to find my happy place like I used to have. I've gained back a significant amount of weight, I'm really unhappy with current job and I'm trying to do all I can to get out of the rut.
A lot in my life has changed so that might be why I am feeling overwhelmed with life and everything else. I honestly don't know. What I do know is that something has to change significantly and soon. On a much brighter note, my ACSM study pack came in (decided to rent and saved 50%) so the studying begins and I plan to take the test sometime in January/February around tax return time. That's one step closer to getting my life back on track.
We spent Thanksgiving in Lincoln County with John's family along with his 2 girls A & K and Liam. It was a great time. It was the first time I've missed Turkey day with my family since I've been back home but it was a nice change.
Work - Picked up a new freelance gig with a skincare company and have been applying like crazy within my hospital to transfer to a new and hopefully better department. In the mean time school starts back in about 6 weeks. I finished the semester strong with an A and a B.
Promise I will update soon! I miss blogging and I miss connecting with my readers.
With love,