I took some time this weekend to TRULY reflect on my life and where things are going. I'm 23, almost 24, and I just can't seem to get out of this life rut. When one thing goes well, all other things go by the wayside. I realized I am the ONLY thing curtailing my own success. Anyone who ever started their own company had to put in work! I have been so caught up in loathing some aspects of my life and trying to wish my way into a better one that I have been doing NOTHING to improve it!
The change starts with and within me. These next few months I am going to delegate just 10-15 hours per week developing my business and my blog. I will alot out time for work and get things done. I am ready to take my life and my careers to new levels and I am the one stopping me from getting there. The most bitter thing to swallow for those who have ill will towards you is YOUR success! I'm going to title this phase of my life: New Year, New Me, New Body, New Mind. I want to do a complete change of how I have been doing things in the past!
For L.I.A.M. Artistry, LLC
* I will create online visibility through youtube, facebook, modelmayhem and increase traffic on my website
* I will do a tutorial every week via YT showcasing makeup application on myself or a subject (under LIAM Artistry, not MissCicelyCarter)
* try to give the company a seperate identity apart from me
* I will revamp my website
*I'm going to enlist the help of a friend from high school who has his own advertising company to tie together the missing pieces
* build my kit (incl all new brushes)
*advertise and network the hell outta myself.
* I have a goal to make $3,000 in this business next yr. That is about $250/month. Totally doable!
For Single Momtrepenuer brand
* I'm enlisting the help of a fellow mommy blogger "Being Mrs. Jones" to redesign and redefine my blog image. I believe I have finally found my niche in the blogging world. (That will happen in January/February next yr) I was thinking of making this blog a dot com, but until I am generating hits and revenue like that...it can wait lol
* blog consistently! 3-5x/week
*have contests and giveaways
* the subjects covered on my blog will be something like this (I will have a menu with tabs! ^_^)L
About Me - a couple of paragraph explaining who i am, purpose of blog, my intentions, my life etc; The Mom - posts/pics of and relating to raising Liam, being a single mom, the struggle, the joys, the frustrations, Liam's milestones, the preschool process etc; The Makeup Artist- will talk about my adventures in freelancing, feature client (vids and pics), makeup trends, makeup reviews etc; The Weight loss Journey - all about my goal to reach a size 16, become healthy and be a successful plus size model.
Plus Size Modeling Career
*time to REALLY be serious
* toning my body is one facet only
*goal: do a photoshoot every 2-3 months (starting February)
*skin care regimen
*FFF Week 2012
* practice walking in heels again
*practice FACE
*practice runway walk
All this will be mine cuz I claim it. Now it is time to get my friends and family on board. I need all the support I can get. This begins today! Let's get it family. I'm not chasing dreams, I'm making them happen! Ms. Carter is about to be REAL busy!