Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Poetry Pause

Air Travel
written 8/22/2011
A Cicely Carter original - written on Paris Pike on the way home from work

if nothing eva really dies
then did my love for u just
stay on ground waiting for u to board
while I was really flying high
amongst the clouds

waitin for u to come along?

was it something i said
that really changed
the course of this flight?

or did u cancel the itinerary at the last minute?

was i only a test flight to break in
the plane for the next passenger?
or was i much anticipated,
the 1 u had been dreamin about boardin all this time?

i only regret i never got to see our destination.
my trip to Love ended
with a layover in Heartbreak

here i remain.

reclaimed my suitcase
from baggage area 808

i'm waitin for u here
giving u the last chance

my heart beats on the conveyor belt
churning through with the rest of the freight

pick Her up
or She's gone for good.

I only write when I am emotionally moved to do so. He did this to me. Some of the realest lines I've written in months. Felt good to get it out...This is a work in progress. As u read it now is in its raw form, just like the words flowed to my head and down to the pen and on the paper.

sole intellectual propety and original concept of Cicely N. Carter

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