Saturday, May 19, 2012

Updates on Mama's Life

I made it through the first week of Summer session lol!!! 7 more weeks to go. It feels nice to be back in the school groove. It makes me use my limited time more efficiently. I made it to the gym 5x this week and got all my homework done on time and till spent time with Poops. I think that's a homerun.

Here's what is forthcoming in the next week:

Work at the library
Finish an article for an online mag I contribute to
Go to Cincinnati for makeup training with Sue Devitt on Tuesday, then do some library work from home
class Mon-Wed (1st Anatomy quiz on Monday)
Try to get at least 3 workouts in (Get Fit Club M,W)
Study for first lecture exam Tues, June 1
Leave to NYC on Thurs-stay until Monday am

So as usual another jam packed week! I'm disappointed with my weight loss progress this week. I havebeen eating too much of the wrong thing and even though I worked out pretty hard this week, I'm sure I'll be up about 2 lbs. Blah! But I am still trying to reach my goal by May 31 and it is doable! I need to get up on my ish and get it together!

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