I wasn't necessarily dreading this day, but I wasn't exactly looking forward to it either...Then I realized something...Hell, I'm STILL here. Not only have I survived NYC living, I have also managed to graduate college with degree #1, learn and grown in single motherhood, mend a broken heart AND lose weight. Now I'm back in school, working jobs that make me happy and trying to get my modeling career off the ground. I'm happy to say that today, February 1, 2013 at 25 I am the BEST version of myself that I have ever been and that's f-in' awesome.
Why I Think Being 25 (and beyond) is Amazing
1. I love my body! Cellulite, stretchmarks, birthmark, spider veins and all. I have worked hard to be where I'm at and hell, I EARNED it!!
2. Wine - I love it, it loves me. We appreciate each other. We GET each other lol
3. Knowledge - I STILL don't know everything, oh yeah and NEVER well. I'm cool with that ;)
4. Parenthood - Being a mom is AWESOME. I'm empowered, challenged, completely in love and got to grow actually create one of the coolest people I know ;)
5. Relationships (or lack thereof) I have never felt so good being single and enjoying time with myself
6. Career - I have figured out what I want to be when I grow up
7. "Let's Talk About Sex Baby" - I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about sex. Hey I AM an adult (really, real this time)
8. Risky Bidness - I take risks in my decisions, I expand my scope and consider things I may not have before -although more calculated than before - I realize this is my ONLY life and I'm not getting younger. I want to lead by example for Liam. That means living out loud and sticking by the actions I take and mistakes I may make along the way.
9. Improvement - I actively seek out ways to improve myself and quality of life because well...those things REALLY matter to me.
10. Estilo - I have finally discovered MY sense of fashion and style. This really happened over the past couple of years - but I LOVE wearing dresses...body con is my BFF!
11. Timing - Everything does NOT have to happen now - if it is meant to be, it WILL happen when it is time for it to! "Nothing happens before its time"
12. "Sometimes I like doing hoodrat things with my friends" lol - It's OK to get a little ratchet sometimes - only at appropriate times and ONLY when you recognize you are being ratchet lol!!!!!
13. "Bills, Bills, Bills" Even though bills suck, YEAH they REALLY do - it IS empowering to buy your own shizz. Yep I live in MY apartment, I drive MY car, I spent my entire paycheck on MY bills lol
14. Let loose - Dancing around the house/apartment in your undies is COMPLETELY acceptable and actually high recommended. :)
15. "Let your soooooooooouuuuul glooooowwwww" The only person you should aspire to be is the best version of yourself- I love me some me :)