Thursday, December 12, 2013

"You're the Ketchup to My Fries"

image courtesy of

It has been a while since I've had the ability to simply sit down and write, but boy is it on time now! :) I am one final away from this loong, looooong semester ending and my grades will be A,B,B. I am now going to study for my Dosage Calculation test which I have to take January 8. I'm also awaiting news on my clinical since by the time all of my documents were turned in to the Nursing department, EVERY good clinical spot/location was taken. 

My time at the hospital will probably be coming to an end. I gave my 2 weeks notice, but there is an opportunity for me to possibly take a position in the same office my mom works in, but we'll see how that goes. Otherwise, I will still be at Benefit and now working at Lane Bryant as well. I had an interview with MAC for the Fayette Mall store about a week ago and that would be a dream. So fingers are still crossed on that! 

Liam is great! I am working towards getting an official, medical diagnosis for Autism so that we can get ALL the services he needs. I'm applying for any help I can because one of the most effective therapies for him (called ABA) might have to come out of pocket. Out of pocket really means waaaay more than I can afford, but for now there is an option of free, outpatient Parent/Child Interaction Training (PCIT). I have to call the psychologist and try to schedule our first appointment ASAP.

Things with modeling these days are dormant. I won't be shooting til around February/March. There is just so much going on in general. But you guys know me and my mind is still churning. Making it a point to get to NYC for FFFW '14. Hoping to meet up with Liesl, see my friends and shoot a couple of times while there! :)

Down with the swirl hahaha :)

And now for the moment you've all been waiting of December 6 I'm in a relationship with a great man. I hadn't mentioned him on the blog, but we have known each other for a little bit. I like him so much...I even put it on Facebook (which I have never done). His name is John and he makes me so incredibly happy. From the start, we've had an instant connection. And would y'all believe he's from Kentucky? lol We have such a strong connection in such a little bit of time that I'm so surprised by it and by him. I've honestly never met a man who was with me on the same level emotionally, maturity wise and also wanted the same things as me. I told him about Liam and the Autism situation and he still wants to be around. NOT that it should have changed his mind, but dealing with a child with developmental delays can be super stressful. 

He's divorced and has 2 beautiful little girls. He supports my modeling, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he loves me just the way I am (you know even those things that us girls agonize about). He is kind. He's my friend as well as my boyfriend. I truly enjoy his company. I want him to meet my parents (:-O lol this NEVER happens). There is something so different about what we have. I feel like we're a team. I know it sounds crazy, but THIS is what I've been waiting 25 years for! He is all the things I want in a man: hardworking, honest, intelligent, good looking (at least I think so ;)) emotionally mature, employed (lol yes it's on there), caring, loving and a great dad. On top of those things, he adores me and accepts me for how I am as well (including stubborn and sometimes cranky like when I'm tired). He really cares about how I feel. He makes an effort to be sure I know this and I know how often he thinks about me. I've cried in front of him (no, he didn't make me cry).

 I was always thinking in the back of my mind that I would never find anyone like him and I won't lie, it is slightly terrifying. I don't want to mess this up. What if I'm wrong? What if he messes up? Am I ready for that kind of disappointment again? But this is a chance I have to take. I'd rather risk it and find true love than let fear run me away from one of the best things that could possibly happen to me...Me and John? I can see us hanging tough for the long haul. I mean the long, long haul...dare I say marriage? Like the title of the blog...he's the ketchup to my fries and I'm not letting him go anytime soon :). 

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