Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oldest Chick on Blogspot! :) lol Happy Birrrthday to meeeee!

This day in history 23 years ago...a Future Lawyer, model, mama was born :). I feel blessed. I am broke after paying bills, going out and gettin my hurr did last week, but I am still happy. I am gonna be so corny right now...but I wasnt sure I would make it to this point in my life. Despite the "bad" things that I have endured, I'm still alive and thriving (mostly). I need to get my budget and my weight on track so that I can live another 23 years and another 23 after that and maybe another 23 lol.

I now look at birthdays as another year that I'm alive to do something good, to accomplish my dreams and to continue to see my son grow up until he is *gasp* my age. So shout out to my family and friends that did and will give me birthday wishes! :) I love all you guys and appreciate all the bday love!



Leave me your comments, feedback and opinions! That's what I'm here for :)