Thursday, January 6, 2011

Down & Out in New York City

That's actually a rephrasing of a book I read in AP English in high school. It was actually titled Down and Out in Paris and London . I don't remember the author or much of the plot, but i do know that it chronicled the life of a broke, European white guy navigating his way through expensive Euro cities in the early forward to my story: young, single, college educated, underemployed mom of color navigating her way through the largest city in America in the

Sounds like I need to buy a new book. Any suggestions? What are you ladies and gents out there reading? The countdown is on: 26 days til my 23rd bday and about 40 days til I leave NYC for an 18 month sabbatical (bahahaha! - if thats what you really want to call it). Short entry...more like a blurb.

Signing off


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the support! I haven't read that book, but similar books. I think women like US should be writing books of survival and bravery! Times are so hard right now, but people don't realize the extra struggles of hardworking single moms in times like this. We beat the odds and finished college...and yet still struggling! You are strong though. In the end, you and I will come out ahead <3


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