Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nando's 25 Day Challenge -Day 3: Scams

When doing this segment of this "better me" challenge I had to really look beyond the surface of some of the things I do. The biggest scam/facade/mask I hide behind is commitment and truly letting someone into my heart and my life.I just feel like I can't do that 100%. I can't relinquish that much power, I can't loosen up the reigns.

I know that being in love means putting my heart is someone else's hands to do what they please with it. I don't think I can handle the type of betrayal, heartbreak and mistrust that sometimes goes along with the ending of a relationship.So every guy I meet, I put up a wall. They can be a great guy, a good fit for me, but no matter what I sabotage my own chance at happiness.

I'm not sure that if I continue on this path I can ever be truly happy. I look at every guy that comes my way and virtually eliminate him before he has the chance. I don't want to keep doing this and miss my chance with a great guy. Miss the chance for Liam to have a great male role model in his life. I need to evaluate and reassess what I am doing and love smarter than I did before.

So what do you guys think about self-sabotage? Have you ever fallen victim to it?


  1. Honestly, I find a hard time believing that any guy will be attracted to me. I do find myself beautiful but not sexy. I don't see myself as a gorgeous woman that can attract a man. - katherine

    1. you are certainly attractive,awesome, sexy and certainly deserving of a great man and a relationship.


Leave me your comments, feedback and opinions! That's what I'm here for :)