Monday, August 22, 2011

How Is August Almost Over?

*sigh* I can't believe I have bene out of New York about 9 weeks now. It makes me sad, but more focused at the same time. There were things I HAD/Still HAVE to do & I wasn't getting any closer being there. I think I might move back, I really want to. Mainly, to make my last and final attempt at having a modeling career. I want this for myself, I want it for Liam. I can't deal with living the rest of my life never knowing if I could have made it or not...

I am making a promise to continue to take care of myself. ALL of myself: mentally, physically, emotionally. I want to grow and continue to be a better person, better mom, better everything. I'm not looking for love or validation from any1. I want to be a peace with myself and do what's right by and for my son.

The next to I move (be it to NYC or anywhere else). I'm going to be smarter, wiser and more prepared. Most importantly, I'm going to be focused!!!

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